Sep 26, 2016 | Blog, Recent Jobs
All of our technicians are certified to do the work that they do. If you are in need of carpet stretching or carpet repairs, give us a call right away! We also clean area rugs, upholstery and tile & grout. Our customer in Peoria needed to clean their carpet. The...
Sep 12, 2016 | Blog, Recent Jobs
We clean area rugs, upholstery and tile & grout. Our technicians are certified to do the work that they do. Please, you don’t have to settle for a guy that is inexperienced because he offered a better price. Customer have called us to come clean carpet after...
Jul 18, 2016 | Blog, Recent Jobs
We service customers all across the valley on a day to day basis. There has even been times where we save our customers money by cleaning tough to clean spots and stains. We offer the top carpet cleaning service in the valley! Our customer in Chandler have not had her...
Jun 27, 2016 | Blog, Recent Jobs
We are capable of cleaning carpet, upholstery and tile & grout. Customer have called us to come clean carpet after hiring a company who was not able to remove stains and spots. Call us to get it done right the first time, don’t spend more money because you...
Jun 20, 2016 | Blog, Recent Jobs
You will be surprised by the condition of some carpets we clean. We have helped home owners save thousands of dollars by restoring the carpet and avoiding the need to buy and install new carpet. Check out the before and after photos below. Our customer in Glendale had...